asian girl posing
Asian girl posing tits and body and pussy outdoor
Fresh out of High School, Milena is easygoing and fun to shoot...
She runs around a public park, going topless and showing off that perfect butt
of hers. Then she takes her bottoms off until she gets caught! Indoors she finds
a vibrator to play with, and masturbates for a while... to four orgasms! She
gets milky wet, and tells us how much she likes to masturbate. She gets undressed
and puts on some 'mature' clothes, dressing up in sexy heels and a black dress.
She dances to some music, moving her sexy hips, then starts rubbing herself
next to the mirror while kissing herself. She takes a clear jelly dildo, and
starts riding it, but her petite private parts are too small and tight! She
fingers herself, rubbing really fast to another orgasm. We get some extreme
closeups, her stretching and pulling her long labia. She then puts her hair
in pigtails, and does a very hard breast massage, squeezing them in every angle.
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or Original - all images are copyrighted
USC-18-2257: All models are over 18 (Custodians of Records or Model Releases
and Ids on File)
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